Renumbering stack units

You can use the stack secure-setup command to renumber stack units in a previously constructed stack. The most effective way to number your stack members is sequentially. You can skip numbers, but stack ID numbers should still be sequential. Sequential numbering makes it easier to replace stack units or to troubleshoot issues.

In a ring topology, 1, 2, 4, 5, and 1, 5, 4, 2 are both sequential.

In the following example, three units make up a stack, but two of the units are numbered 5 and 6 (the active controller is numbered 1). Because this stack only contains three units, you can renumber the other units so that they are unit 2 and unit 3.

ICX7750-48XGC# stack secure-setup
ICX7750-48XGC# Discovering the stack topology...
Available UPSTREAM units
Hop(s)  Type           MAC Address
1       ICX7750-48XGC  0000.00d5.2100
2       ICX7750-48XGC  0000.005d.9940
Enter the number of the desired UPSTREAM units (1-2)[1]: 2
Selected topology:
Active id  Type          MAC Address
     1     ICX7750-48XGC 0000.0039.2d40
Selected UPSTREAM units
Hop(s)   id  Type           MAC Address
1         5  ICX7750-48XGC  0000.00d5.2100
2         6  ICX7750-48XGC  0000.005d.9940
Do you accept the unit ids? (y/n)?: n
Enter an unused id for the UPSTREAM ICX7750-48XGC unit a 1 hop(s) (1-8)[5]: 2
Enter an unused id for the UPSTREAM ICX7750-48XGC unit at 2 hop(s) (1-8) [6]: 3
ICX7750-48XGC# Election, was active, no role change, assigned-ID=1
reset unit 2: diff bootup id=5
reset unit 3: diff bootup id=6
Election, was active, no role change, assigned-ID=1
ICX7750-48XGC# show stack
ID  Type          Role    MAC Address        Pri  State    Comment
1 S ICX7750-48XGC active  0000.0039.2d40     128  local    Ready
2 S ICX7750-48XGC standby 0000.00d5.2100       0  remote   Ready
3 S ICX7750-48XGC member  0000.005d.9940       0  remote   Ready