External USB Hotplug

External USB Hotplug support allows you to copy images, cores, logs, and configurations between the external USB and the internal eUSB.

Brocade device images are stored in the raw partition. Cores, logs and configurations are stored in the ext4 filesystem partition. The introduction of the External USB Hotplug gives you the option to easily copy device images, cores, logs, and configurations between the external USB and the internal flash.

External USB Hotplug considerations

  • Only USB drives of up to 128 GB of any vendor type are supported.
  • USB 3.0 is not supported.
  • You can copy files of less than 2 GB only.
  • Make sure the external USB is formatted as a "FAT" filesystem before attempting to use it. Formatting can be done on a PC or on the Brocade device with the format disk0 command.
  • You should not insert a USB-based disk drive, nor should you insert a USB hub to connect multiple USB disks.
  • copy TFTP/SCP to disk0 and disk0 to TFTP/SCP commands are not supported.
  • Only an administrator can execute operations on an external USB, similar to TFTP.
  • You cannot access the active unit's local external USB from a member unit and vice versa.
  • Boot from an external USB is not supported.
  • You must run the unmount disk0 command before unplugging the external USB. The external USB can be mounted using the mount disk0 command.
  • The USB drive is only functional on the active member in a stacked environment.