stack mac

Manually configures a specific MAC address for a traditional stack.


stack mac mac-address
no stack mac mac-address

Command Default

Beginning with FastIron release 08.0.20, when a stack is enabled or when hitless-failover occurs, a default stack MAC address is assigned if none is configured. In earlier releases, the stack assumed the MAC address of the active controller by default.


Specifies the MAC address to be used for the stack.


Active stack controller configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

Enter the no form of this command to revert to the use of the active controllers' MAC address.

The MAC address is a hexadecimal value entered in the format xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.


The following example configures the stack MAC address manually as 0000.0163.0022.

device(config)# stack mac 0000.0163.0022
device(config)# show running-config
Current configuration:
ver 08.0.40
stack unit 1
  module 1 icx7750-48-xgc-port-management-module
  module 2 icx7750-qsfp-6port-qsfp-240g-module
stack rconsole-off
stack mac 0000.0163.0022
breakout ethe 1/2/6
lag ccep1 dynamic id 3


Release version Command history
08.0.00a This command was introduced.
08.0.20 Stack behavior was modified so that a default MAC address is assigned when the stack is enabled or when hitless failover occurs if no stack MAC address has been configured.