show users

Displays the user account information.


show users


User EXEC mode

Privileged EXEC mode

Global configuration mode

Command Output

The show users command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Username The username of each user.
Password The password for each user.
Encrypt Whether the password encryption is enabled or not.
Priv The privilege level for the user: 0 - Super User level (full read-write access), 4 - Port Configuration level, 5 - Read Only level
Status Whether the user status is enabled or not.
Expire Time The password expiration time in days.


The following example displays output of the show users command.

device(config)# show users
Username   Password                           Encrypt   Priv Status   Expire Time
wonka      $1$JVbXZqTW$g9N1/WUipXg6jM6OUKHQZ. enabled   0    enabled  Never
xyz        $1$13zNygo2$vXOKCwghNvXT/YegDawpU0 enabled   0    enabled  Never
aopo       $1$d04FqfAw$W6WiSw6gGJv//C1pvJFpQ. enabled   0    enabled  Never