Reloading a stack unit

Use the reload command to reload one or more stack units, for example, when necessary to repair a malfunctioning unit. Stack units can be reloaded only if they are not the active controller. When hitless stacking failover is enabled, the active controller is automatically reloaded.

When the reload command is entered on the active controller without the unit-id parameter as shown in the following example, the entire stack reloads.

device# reload

Syntax: reload [ after duration | at time | cancel | unit-id unit-list ]

  • after - Schedules reloading after a specified length of time (duration in seconds, entered as a value from 1 to 4096)
  • at - Schedules reloading at an exact later time (time, entered in the format: hh:mm:ss, where hh represents hours from 01 to 24, mm represents minutes, from 00 to 59, and ss represents seconds, from 0 to 59)
  • cancel - Cancels scheduled reload
  • unit-id - Designates stack member or members to reload. The unit-list variable can be a single ID, a list of IDs, a range of IDs, or a combination, such as 2,4-6,8. Values must be separated by a comma, with no space.

If you need to reload the active controller, use the stack switch-over command. When switchover occurs, the original active controller can be reloaded using the reload unit-id command.