show statistics

Displays packet statistics.


show statistics [ brief ] [ management num | unit unit-number ]
show statistics [ brief ] [ ethernet stack-id/slot/port [ to stack-id/slot/port | [ ethernet stack-id/slot/port to stack-id/slot/port | ethernet stack-id/slot/port ]... ] ]


Displays brief output.
management num
Displays packet statistics on the specified management interface.
unit unit-number
Displays packet statistics on all ports in a specific stack unit.
ethernet stack-id/slot/port
Displays packet statistics on a specific Ethernet interface.
to stack-id/slot/port
Displays packet statistics on a range of Ethernet interfaces.


User EXEC mode

Privileged EXEC mode

Global configuration mode

Interface configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

When you use the brief option, the output will have fewer fields.

You can view the packet statistics for a specific Ethernet interface, a list of Ethernet interfaces, and a range of Ethernet interfaces.

Command Output

The show statistics ethernet and show statistics management command display the following information.

The output of the show statistics command without any options, and the output of the show statistics command when using the brief option along with ethernet, management, or unit options display only the Port, In Packets, Out Packets, In Errors, and Out Errors fields.
Output field Description
Port The port number.
Link The link state.
State The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) state.
Dupl The mode (full-duplex or half-duplex).
Speed The port speed (10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps).
Trunk The trunk group number, if the port is a member of a trunk group.
Tag Whether the port is a tagged member of a VLAN.
Pri The QoS forwarding priority of the port (level0 to level7).
MAC The MAC address of the port.
Name The name of the port, if you assigned a name.
InOctets The total number of good octets and bad octets received.
OutOctets The total number of good octets and bad octets sent.
InPkts The total number of packets received. The count includes rejected and local packets that are not sent to the switching core for transmission.
In the output of the show statistics command without any options and when using the brief option along with the ethernet, management, or unit options, this field is shows as "In Packets."
OutPkts The total number of good packets sent. The count includes unicast, multicast, and broadcast packets.
In the output of the show statistics command without any options and when using the brief option along with the ethernet, management, or unit options, this field is shows as "Out Packets."
InBroadcastPkts The total number of good broadcast packets received.
OutBroadcastPkts The total number of good broadcast packets sent.
InMulticastPkts The total number of good multicast packets received.
OutMulticastPkts The total number of good multicast packets sent.
InUnicastPkts The total number of good unicast packets received.
OutUnicastPkts The total number of good unicast packets sent.
InBadPkts The total number of packets received for which one of the following is true:
  • The CRC was invalid.
  • The packet was oversized.
  • Jabbers: The packets were longer than 1518 octets and had a bad FCS.
  • Fragments: The packets were less than 64 octets long and had a bad FCS.
  • The packet was undersized (short).
InFragments The total number of packets received for which both of the following were true:
  • The length was less than 64 bytes.
  • The CRC was invalid.
InDiscards The total number of packets that were received and then dropped due to a lack of receive buffers.
CRC The total number of packets received for which all of the following was true:
  • The data length was between 64 bytes and the maximum allowable frame size.
  • No collision or late collision was detected.
  • The CRC was invalid.
Collisions The total number of packets received in which a collision event was detected.
LateCollisions The total number of packets received in which a collision event was detected, but for which a receive error (Rx error) event was not detected.
InErrors The total number of packets received that had alignment errors or physical errors.

Excessive errors for some counters usually indicate a problem. When you operate at a half-duplex setting, some data link errors incrementing in Frame Check Sequence (FCS), alignment, runts, and collision counters are normal. Generally, a one percent ratio of errors to total traffic is acceptable for half-duplex connections. If the ratio of errors to input packets is greater than two or three percent, performance degradation can be noticed. In half-duplex environments, it is possible for both the switch and the connected device to sense the wire and transmit at exactly the same time, resulting in a collision. Collisions may cause runts, FCS, and alignment errors due to the frame not being completely copied to the wire, resulting in fragmented frames. When you operate at full-duplex, errors in FCS, Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC), alignment, and runt counters must be minimal.

In the output of the show statistics command without any options and when using the brief option along with the ethernet, management, or unit options, this field is shown as "In Errors".
OutErrors The total number of packets sent that had alignment errors or physical errors.
In the output of the show statistics command without any options and when using the brief option along with the ethernet, management, or unit options, this field is shows as "Out Errors".
InGiantPkts The total number of packets for which all of the following was true:
  • The data length was longer than the maximum allowable frame size.
  • No Rx error was detected.
Packets are counted for this statistic regardless of whether the CRC is valid or invalid.
InShortPkts The total number of packets received for which all of the following was true:
  • The data length was less than 64 bytes.
  • No Rx error was detected.
  • No collision or late collision was detected.
Packets are counted for this statistic regardless of whether the CRC is valid or invalid.
InJabber The total number of packets received for which all of the following was true:
  • The data length was longer than the maximum allowable frame size.
  • No Rx error was detected.
  • The CRC was invalid.
InFlowCtrlPkts The total number of flow control packets received.
OutFlowCtrlPkts The total number of flow control packets transmitted.
InBitsPerSec The number of bits received per second.
OutBitsPerSec The number of bits sent per second.
InPktsPerSec The number of packets received per second.
OutPktsPerSec The number of packets sent per second.
InUtilization The percentage of the port bandwidth used by received traffic.
OutUtilization The percentage of the port bandwidth used by sent traffic.


The following is sample output from the show statistics brief management command.

device(config)# show statistics brief management 1

Port 	In Packets 	Out Packets  Trunk 	In Errors 	Out Errors
mgmt1 	39946 		2			 2  	 0     		 0
Total 	39945 		2			 2 		 0 		     0

The following is sample output from the show statistics management command.

device# show statistics management 1

Port       Link    State   Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC             Name
mgmt1      Down    None    None None  None  No  None 0   748e.f80c.4100

 Port mgmt1 Counters:
         InOctets                    0           OutOctets                    0
           InPkts                    0             OutPkts                    0
  InBroadcastPkts                    0    OutBroadcastPkts                    0
  InMulticastPkts                    0    OutMulticastPkts                    0
    InUnicastPkts                    0      OutUnicastPkts                    0
        InBadPkts                    0
      InFragments                    0
       InDiscards                    0           OutErrors                    0
              CRC                    0          Collisions                    0
         InErrors                    0      LateCollisions                    0
      InGiantPkts                    0
      InShortPkts                    0
         InJabber                    0
   InFlowCtrlPkts                    0     OutFlowCtrlPkts                    0
     InBitsPerSec                    0       OutBitsPerSec                    0
     InPktsPerSec                    0       OutPktsPerSec                    0
    InUtilization                0.00%      OutUtilization                0.00%

The following is sample output from the show statistics ethernet command.

device# show statistics ethernet 1/1/1
Port       Link    State      Dupl Speed Trunk  Tag  Pvid Pri MAC             Name
1/1/1      Up      Forward    Half 100M  None   No   1    0   748e.f80c.4100

 Port 1/1/1 Counters:
         InOctets                 3200           OutOctets                  256
           InPkts                   50             OutPkts                    4
  InBroadcastPkts                    0    OutBroadcastPkts                    3
  InMulticastPkts                   48    OutMulticastPkts                    0
    InUnicastPkts                    2      OutUnicastPkts                    1
        InBadPkts                    0
      InFragments                    0
       InDiscards                    0           OutErrors                    0
              CRC                    0          Collisions                    0
         InErrors                    0      LateCollisions                    0
      InGiantPkts                    0
      InShortPkts                    0
         InJabber                    0
   InFlowCtrlPkts                    0     OutFlowCtrlPkts                    0
     InBitsPerSec                  264       OutBitsPerSec                   16
     InPktsPerSec                    0       OutPktsPerSec                    0
    InUtilization                0.00%      OutUtilization                0.00%