BGP4+ peer groups

Neighbors having the same attributes and parameters can be grouped together by means of the neighbor peer-group command.

You must first create a peer group, after which you can associate neighbor IPv6 addresses with the peer group. All of the attributes that are allowed on a neighbor are allowed on a peer group as well.

BGP4+ peers and peer groups are activated in the IPv6 address family configuration mode to establish the BGP4+ peering sessions.

An attribute value configured explicitly for a neighbor takes precedence over the attribute value configured on the peer group. In the case where neither the peer group nor the individual neighbor has the attribute configured, the default value for the attribute is used.

BGP4 neighbors are established and the prefixes are advertised using the neighbor IP address remote-as command in router BGP mode. However, when establishing BGP4+ peer sessions and exchanging IPv6 prefixes, neighbors must also be activated using the neighbor IPv6 address activate command in IPv6 address family configuration mode.